There’s a tangy smell in the air.
The air is rich with vibrant smells,
some pleasantly sear my nose, and
others sting, but it all reminds me of
a place nestled in my memory.
The sky swells, the smells overtake me;
the air sears my nose wonderfully,
strong with the smell of brilliant fruits,
vivid spices, and colorful herbs.
There’s a vivid tang on my tongue,
as I cherish these smells. So bright,
and blinding, and overwhelming my
senses. No matter how many times,
I pass this road, with its rich flavors
I will never grow sick of my home.
I am sent back with these vivid smells
to a place that makes me warm, and
makes me feel like I am nestled next
to a roaring fire. I am awaiting for the
embrace of this wonderful world
to fully encapsulate me but it never comes.
Instead, the air is suddenly stiff, the colors
disappear and I sit sullen again,
trapped within foreign walls that
deprive me of these smells.
Smells I once never bothered
to think twice about. Smells I passed,
and never relished, for I thought
they’d exist with me forever.
There’s a tangy smell in the air...
BY Asma Syed