TYphoon's Final Movement
BY Kassidy Siebert
only at
the beginning
of it all was there ever piece
The quiet was unsettling.
Unsettling as the writhing snake
beneath the earth . Silent but
coiling and convulsing
with rage waiting
waiting to strike into
an explosive venomous fit.
How boring. That brief moment
of solidified unity
where the mortal world
stood united
not a steaming rise of conflict that
covered the surface of the miserable planet.
It almost made me envy that
void of utter chaos back before
Where neither Gaea stood, nor Nyx .
Neither titans nor any mortal beings.
Just an empty expanse
before the first star glittered a
shimmering tear to pour on the marble
palaces of Olympus
That time of global reconciliation
was when only one man stood
still a clay figure not even fully realized,
not even dry. Seconds before being molded, being
created at that moments no conflict existed, everything
was clear - the Olympians themselves held their breaths.
Their petty vendettas vanquished for that
moment to watch the birth
of a mistake.
A population of viral, insubordinate
monsters, a terrible parasite
and my perfect victims, my perfect
playground, my perfect little experiment.
Millenia upon millenia,
that dreadful second of peace still haunts my conscience.
It still torments the lost mortals with the idea that they
could collectively find that
moment and replicate it into their present.
Finding peace - gave them a distraction -
whilst I have been experimenting to find the perfect recipe.
Curious how those worms squabble
desperate for direction.
Tragedy upon tragedy.
Determined they can explain their coming to be
like watching the moon run tirelessly around the earth.
Them thinking past what they know
is like observing the earth's spinning,
pitiful and pointless.
Messing with such pathetic specimens
seems strongly, subjectively slander,
suspicious perhaps me sending gifts of
sweet chaos into their societies.
Doing so sustains my life, gives me purpose.
Subtly though, I savor their self destructive manner…
Actually, I revel in it.
I’m cooking a storm of paranoia and madness.
Trial after trial I’m perfecting it.
Creating the faultless combination of horrors
that will cause your world to cave and crumble.
Outstanding though, the results of my
last present to their world.
It created a period of utmost confusion
wild panic
and thoughtless action.
Overdeveloped monkeys scurrying around
shouting, disagreeing, and relying on their
Foolish little ones
strapping cloths to their faces,
praying to remain safe,
storing up supplies,
praying to remain safe,
avoiding each other,
praying to remain safe.
Who are they praying to?
They don’t even know.
The Olympians are long past.
Without their “loyal” subjects they've lost strength.
Only I remain because I feed off their fear
and crippling greed.
My plan: has been orchestrated,
a compositional,
They had no choice but to turn
against each other,
against themselves,
against their world.
Now the storm has brewed
and exploded on the queue
For, this is what I do.
I slither, hither to your world;
hiss and snipe
then chaos ensues.
I’m that unsettling silent snake coiling beneath your feet
and consider this, my final act for the show is almost over.
My venom has infiltrated and spread.
Soon only discord exists.
And you’ll never have seen it coming
locked up in your abodes.
“Protecting” “guarding” “preventing”
Communities with no one on the streets.
I have no opposition, so I spread the world thin
in disarray.
The final movement of my
flawless piece of anarchy plays.
It will continue playing.
My symphony of madness
and its eternal reign
The End.
Typhon: Giant monstrous serpent, the most dangerous creature in Greek Mythology he is the god of chaos.
Python: A serpent creature from Greek mythology (son of Typhon) who was slaughtered by Apollo.
Gaea: one of the first primordial deities in Greek mythology - personifies earth (basically mother nature).
Nyx: Greek goddess of the night.
Titans: Deities in Greek mythology that preceded the Olympians (sons and daughters of Uranus and
Olympus: the home of the olympians (Greek mythology).
Clay figure: Greek mythology states that man was created by the titan of fire Prometheus who created humanity out of clay.
Olympians: Were twelve of the major deities that ancient Greeks believed in. (Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes and either Hestia or Dionysus.)